Posts Tagged ‘covidsafe’

Weekly Update from Master Finch (29th March)

Posted on: March 29th, 2021 by David Finch

As we reach the end of March we can all be thankful that there is a huge light at the end of this long tunnel and we will be able to see each other, face-to-face, very soon.

Here are a few things from last week and a look ahead……

Extremely high standard of Grading:

Well done to all of those who took part in the online Grading on Sunday. Lots of hard work went into that day and your commitment, dedication and skill really showed. We cannot wait to give out new belts and certificates in 2-weeks when we return to class.

For those who did not grade, you can be extremely proud of yourselves for your focus and progress, especially over the last month.

Those who are looking at Panel Gradings (red-stripes and above) – your training will really step up in intensity as we head towards 2nd May.

Lots to look forward to……

As you know, we will be returning to face to face classes from 12th April onward. Please be sure to:

  • Book your space online every week
  • Trainers / plimsoles / martial arts shoes ONLY
  • Please stay in cars until called into class
  • Students of secondary school age & above must wear a face mask in communal areas
  • Please be sure to read the COVID-Safe procedures for your location

Easter Weekend

There are no classes on the following days;

  • Friday, 2nd April
  • Saturday, 3rd April
  • Tuesday, 6th April

We have come so far this year and no doubt you are all as excited about returning to classes as we are. Just remember – book your space(s) online.

See you soon!

Master Finch

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