Posts Tagged ‘matt fiddes official’

IMC Event – Training for higher belts

Posted on: January 8th, 2024 by David Finch

I am delighted to announce some unique training dates for students who are red-stripe & above.  These IMC sessions (IMC – “International Master Class”) are taught by some of the most experienced instructors within the MF Group and are open to students and instructors from across the UK.  This provides a very special environment to learn from and experience training with some of the highest ranked students and instructors we have.

Each 5hr IMC event is run as follows:

  • First 2hrs  – open to any student who is red-stripe & above (£29.00 – family discounts available)
  • Last 3hrs – for students who are 1st Degree Black Belt & above only (£49.00 – family discounts available)
  • Students who are 1st Degree & above will take part in all 5hrs

We are very lucky to be hosting one of these IMC events in Canterbury so be sure to book early as spaces are limited:

Anyone who attends an IMC is also eligible to wear the unique IMC range of clothing – IMC shop

Other dates for 2024 are:

  • 3rd February – Warrington
  • 24th February – Southampton
  • 23rd June – Swindon
  • 29th Sept – Street

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.  Details for these events are being distributed across the MF Group this week so be sure to book early.

Master Finch

“International Master Class” – Black Belt Training

Posted on: June 14th, 2021 by David Finch

IMC – “International Master Class”

~ 5hrs of Black Belt Training ~

We are very excited to tell you about some new BLACK BELT ONLY national training events. These are unique training events for all student and Instructors who are 1st Degree & above from all over the UK and Australia. At these events you will get the chance to train with the best and highest ranked students and Instructors and learn from some of the most qualified people in their field.


1. To create a Black Belt community across the globe

2. To improve the learning and understanding of all Black Belts

3. To offer a new and challenging pathway for all Black Belts

4. To be a constant reminder to us all that we are all students5. To share and experience some of the best Instructors the Martial Arts community has to offer.

The following dates have been booked (spaces are limited):

  • 19th September (Swindon) – 50 spaces
  • 27th November (Warrington) – 28 spaces

More events for 2022 will be released soon!


  • 1 x student: £49.00 (£69 if booked less than 1-week before event)
  • Family membership: +£30.00 per person

To pay for your space(s) simply:

  1. Go to our online shop:
  2. Select “IMC”
  3. Choose your event
  4. Once you have paid you will be sent a link to book your space

You will also be able to purchase some exclusive IMC clothing.

If you have any questions do let me know and remember, if you are a 1st Degree Black Belt & above – the IMC is for you!

Master Finch

Weekly Update from Master Finch (29th March)

Posted on: March 29th, 2021 by David Finch

As we reach the end of March we can all be thankful that there is a huge light at the end of this long tunnel and we will be able to see each other, face-to-face, very soon.

Here are a few things from last week and a look ahead……

Extremely high standard of Grading:

Well done to all of those who took part in the online Grading on Sunday. Lots of hard work went into that day and your commitment, dedication and skill really showed. We cannot wait to give out new belts and certificates in 2-weeks when we return to class.

For those who did not grade, you can be extremely proud of yourselves for your focus and progress, especially over the last month.

Those who are looking at Panel Gradings (red-stripes and above) – your training will really step up in intensity as we head towards 2nd May.

Lots to look forward to……

As you know, we will be returning to face to face classes from 12th April onward. Please be sure to:

  • Book your space online every week
  • Trainers / plimsoles / martial arts shoes ONLY
  • Please stay in cars until called into class
  • Students of secondary school age & above must wear a face mask in communal areas
  • Please be sure to read the COVID-Safe procedures for your location

Easter Weekend

There are no classes on the following days;

  • Friday, 2nd April
  • Saturday, 3rd April
  • Tuesday, 6th April

We have come so far this year and no doubt you are all as excited about returning to classes as we are. Just remember – book your space(s) online.

See you soon!

Master Finch

Safeguarding Code Award

Posted on: March 18th, 2021 by MFKent

MF Kent has been awarded the “Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts”.

Achieving the Safeguarding Code, demonstrates our commitment to upholding our duty-of-care to the community and young people and recognises us as a martial arts provider that has reached and effectively maintained good safeguarding standards.

Developed in consultation with Sport England, representatives from martial arts governing bodies, and leading safeguarding experts, the Code is funded by the National Lottery and was launched by the Sports Minister in 2018.

February 100k Challenge

Posted on: February 1st, 2021 by David Finch


  • To complete 100,000 kicks before 10pm on 28th February 2021 as a team


  • This is open to all students and families – the more the merrier


  • To take part simply send the names of everyone taking part to Master Finch (07980308952 or  If you are taking part as a family please send your family name (you can give yourself a team name if you wish!)


  • All kicks must be performed either on a pad / cushion
  • All kicks must be at least waist height
  • You must put your foot on the ground after each kick
  • You can perform any kick you wish
  • You add both your left and right leg together for everyone taking part
  • Kicks that are performed in our Martial Arts classes do not count towards the total
  • Text or e-mail your daily total to Master Finch


  • Each day we will post online (Facebook) the running total and who has the highest individual / family total. 


  • There is a prize for the individual or family who record the highest number of kicks

Instructor & Junior Instructor Session – 10th Nov

Posted on: October 7th, 2019 by David Finch

Training with Grandmaster Murphy & Master Fiddes

Sunday, 10th November 2019

St Joseph’s Catholic College, Swindon

We would like to invite all of our Instructors & Juniors Instructors (aged 13yrs & above) to a unique morning of training with Grandmaster Murphy, Master Fiddes and our colleagues from Australia.

This session is open to all Instructors and Junior Instructors aged 13yrs & above.

Here are the details:

*Sunday, 10th November 2019

 * St Joseph’s Catholic College, Swindon


  • 0900hrs                –              registration
  • 0930hrs                –              line-up & welcome
  • 1300hrs                –              end of training


  • Full uniform
  • Sparring kit
  • Grading book

Registration:      please send names & belt level to Master Finch ( no later than 1st November 2019

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Summer Martial Arts Camp. More »

First Aid Course for students and families. More »

A Night at the Races - 16th March. More »

NEW Interclub Tournament - 7th April 2024. More »

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