Posts Tagged ‘kent’

NEW Shop – now live!

Posted on: April 6th, 2021 by David Finch

NEW MF Kent Shop – now live!

20% off until 19th April(Enter “Easter21” at checkout)

We now have our own shop to make things much easier for you to see and purchase new items. On here you will be able to find:

  • Uniforms
  • Sparring Kit
  • MF Clothing
  • Training equipment
  • Online DVD’s & syllabus
  • & more

We will be publishing more things over time and if there is anything specific you would like to see added do let us know.We will give out any ordered kit in class which will save you postage & packaging.To go to the shop you can either:

  1. Go to our website and scroll down – click on the shop image
  2. Click on this link:

Remember – 20% off everything until 19th April!

Safeguarding Code Award

Posted on: March 18th, 2021 by MFKent

MF Kent has been awarded the “Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts”.

Achieving the Safeguarding Code, demonstrates our commitment to upholding our duty-of-care to the community and young people and recognises us as a martial arts provider that has reached and effectively maintained good safeguarding standards.

Developed in consultation with Sport England, representatives from martial arts governing bodies, and leading safeguarding experts, the Code is funded by the National Lottery and was launched by the Sports Minister in 2018.

Tag-testing starts this week

Posted on: March 3rd, 2020 by David Finch

We will start tag-testing this week for the upcoming grading day on Sunday, 29th March.

As always, if we feel a student is ready to move up to the next level we will add a black tag to their belt and issue a grading letter.  Please do not worry if your son / daughter does not receive a tag.  We have plenty of time for you to practice at home or they may just need a little extra time.

Here are the details of the grading day:

  • Sunday, 29th March 2020
  • Canterbury Primary School, Canterbury
  • Mighty Matts – 9:30am (start)
  • Juniors & Adults – 10:15am (start)
  • Panel Grading – 12:00 – 3:00pm (for red-stripe – deputy black students only)

Half-term classes

Posted on: February 15th, 2020 by David Finch

All classes will be running as usual this week during this half term.

If you are away, have a lovely half-term and we look forward to seeing you all back in class ready to work hard towards the Grading in March (29th, Canterbury) and the South-East Championships (26th April, Burgess Hill).

Staplehurst Classes (20th Feb)

  • Mighty Matts & Juniors – 4:00pm
  • Seniors – 5:00pm (class will be in the large sports hall)
  • Black Belt Class – 5:45 – 6:30pm

South-East Championships – 26th April 2020

Posted on: January 6th, 2020 by David Finch

South-East Championships – Burgess Hill

26th April 2020

On-line registration is now open for the 2020 South-East Championships to be held in Burgess Hill.  To register simply click here.

15% DISCOUNT if you register in January!

As well as all the usual exciting categories there are one or two small changes:

  • There is no wave-master category for Mighty Matts
  • Instead there is a 5 x Kick combo category
  • There are hand-drill categories for ALL BELT LEVELS
  • There are more sparring categories

Watch out for training dates and in the meantime be sure to enter in January to receive your 15% discount!

Happy New Year & welcome back

Posted on: January 5th, 2020 by David Finch

Happy New Year to you all!  I hope you managed to have a good rest and spend some valuable time with family and friends.  2020 is going to be an exciting year for everyone so I hope you are all ready!

Classes re-start this evening in Canterbury and as normal across our other locations this week (Ashford will re-start on Tuesday, 14th Jan).

We look forward to seeing you all soon and seeing what the new year brings!

Wednesday, 27th Nov – CANTERBURY

Posted on: November 27th, 2019 by David Finch

CANTERBURY CLASSES – Wednesday, 27th November 2019

All classes will be held in the main school building this evening (the same hall we run the Sunday classes).

Normal times.

See you soon


Christmas timetable

Posted on: November 18th, 2019 by David Finch

Class timetable over the Christmas period

8th December – Grading Day (Canterbury)

  • 22nd December – Last class of 2019
  • 5th January – First class of 2020
  • (no classes 23rd December ~ 4th January 2020 inclusive)

ALL classes outside of these dates in December and January will run as normal.


On behalf of the MF Kent Team we would like to wish you all a wonderful festive period.

Championship success

Posted on: November 14th, 2019 by David Finch

International Championships 2020 – Bath University

After months of preparation, hard work, highs and lows we finally made the journey to Bath for the Matt Fiddes International Championships.  This was the biggest and most exciting championships to date with over 650 competitors from as far afield as Australia!

We may have been small in number but the spirit with which we competed was outstanding.  There were some excellent performances across the board and I think it is true to say that each and every team member did their very best.

As usual, out intrepid team of parents, friends and Instructors were incredible and a huge part of the MF Kent Team success.  Thank you one and all.

Here is the team:

  • Brear Homewood (Canterbury) – 1 x bronze
  • Charlie Hinder (Canterbury) – 1 x silver
  • Millie-Rose Hinder (Canterbury) – 1 x bronze
  • Jack Calvert (Canterbury) – 2 x bronze
  • Evie-Sue Lewis (Canterbury) – 2 x bronze
  • John Boon (Canterbury)
  • Josh Boon (Canterbury)
  • Emily Calder (Canterbury) – 3 x gold, 1 x bronze
  • Kalle Homewood (Canterbury) – 1 x silver
  • Henry Ross-Phillips (Canterbury) – 1 x bronze
  • Hugo Ross-Phillips (Canterbury)
  • Allegra Beaton (Maidstone) – 1 x gold
  • Kendra Beaton (Maidstone)

Our championships are open to ALL students, all ages and all locations so it would be fantastic to see more of our wonderful students from all over Kent.  Look out for the dates for 2020 and all the training days we have available just for the team.

Instructor & Junior Instructor Session – 10th Nov

Posted on: October 7th, 2019 by David Finch

Training with Grandmaster Murphy & Master Fiddes

Sunday, 10th November 2019

St Joseph’s Catholic College, Swindon

We would like to invite all of our Instructors & Juniors Instructors (aged 13yrs & above) to a unique morning of training with Grandmaster Murphy, Master Fiddes and our colleagues from Australia.

This session is open to all Instructors and Junior Instructors aged 13yrs & above.

Here are the details:

*Sunday, 10th November 2019

 * St Joseph’s Catholic College, Swindon


  • 0900hrs                –              registration
  • 0930hrs                –              line-up & welcome
  • 1300hrs                –              end of training


  • Full uniform
  • Sparring kit
  • Grading book

Registration:      please send names & belt level to Master Finch ( no later than 1st November 2019

NEW MF Kent Shop - click here


Summer Martial Arts Camp. More »

First Aid Course for students and families. More »

A Night at the Races - 16th March. More »

NEW Interclub Tournament - 7th April 2024. More »

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