Posts Tagged ‘mfkentfamily’

Extra Championship Training – dates booked

Posted on: July 15th, 2023 by David Finch

MF Kent Team Training – The Canterbury Primary School – MAP

In preparation for the upcoming British Championships on 15th October we have arranged for some extra team training for all competitors (all ages and categories). We will, of course, still be training hard within classes – these are to help with that extra preparation and confidence which is important.

Please note the following times:

  • 10:00 – 11:30am (Practice for all ages and categories EXCEPT sparring)
  • 11:30 – 12:30pm (SPARRING practice only)
  • (students who are not sparring are welcome to stay and practice on their own – please note that focus will be on those sparring)

Here are the dates – BOOK NOW

  • Sunday, 17th September
  • Sunday, 1st October
  • Sunday, 8th October


To register for the 2023 championships – CLICK HERE

(Available categories and information can be found here also)

Colour-belt Grading Info – 28th March 2021

Posted on: February 24th, 2021 by David Finch

We are very excited to announce the details for the first Grading day of 2021. After a long and, at times, challenging lock-down, we are so pleased to be able to offer our students the opportunity to show their skills after working so hard online.

Will I / my little one be Grading?

If we feel it is the right time we will invite you / your little one to the Grading via text message. This message will detail where to find all the information needed.

How do we confirm our place?

Your space is confirmed by paying online. By paying online you are acknowledging that you have read and understood all the paperwork.

Where do we find the information?

All the files that you need to read can be found:

  1. Logging in to this website
  2. In the “Files” section of our members Facebook Group – click here

How do we pay for the Grading?

Payment for the Grading is made online – details of which are on the paperwork. We will confirm receipt of payment via text which will include the Zoom password and details.

Is the Grading online?

Yes, we will send you the password etc upon receipt of payment.

How can we practice to prepare for the Grading?

If you would like to know exactly what to practice do get in touch ( You can also purchase the complete syllabus in video format which shows all the skills and drills for each belt:

Extra February half-term sessions (Juniors & Mighty Matts)

Posted on: February 9th, 2021 by David Finch

There are some extra classes for our younger students to take part in (in addition to normal classes) during the school half term.

Thank you to our Instructor Team for volunteering their time to put on something extra.

The extra timetable can be viewed:

  • Our members only Facebook group
  • Your school WhatsApp group
  • Logging in to this website

Please note:

  1. You do not need to book
  2. These classes are in addition to normal classes
  3. Full uniform and belt (as normal)
  4. Drink and space (as normal)
  5. Log on in plenty of time
  6. Same log-in details as classes
  7. Please read the timetable

February 100k Challenge

Posted on: February 1st, 2021 by David Finch


  • To complete 100,000 kicks before 10pm on 28th February 2021 as a team


  • This is open to all students and families – the more the merrier


  • To take part simply send the names of everyone taking part to Master Finch (07980308952 or  If you are taking part as a family please send your family name (you can give yourself a team name if you wish!)


  • All kicks must be performed either on a pad / cushion
  • All kicks must be at least waist height
  • You must put your foot on the ground after each kick
  • You can perform any kick you wish
  • You add both your left and right leg together for everyone taking part
  • Kicks that are performed in our Martial Arts classes do not count towards the total
  • Text or e-mail your daily total to Master Finch


  • Each day we will post online (Facebook) the running total and who has the highest individual / family total. 


  • There is a prize for the individual or family who record the highest number of kicks

Junior Black Belt Bingo Challenge

Posted on: January 25th, 2021 by David Finch

You can now download the Junior Black Belt Bingo Challenge either by logging in to this website or from the members only Facebook group.

Don’t forget to share how you get on and inspire others!

“Super hero” work sheet for Mighty Matts (3-6yrs)

Posted on: January 17th, 2021 by David Finch

We have now uploaded a fun work sheet for our Mighty Matts (3-6yrs) to show that they can be a “Super Hero” at home.

Have lots of fun as a family doing this and let us know how you get on.

The work sheet can be found:

  • By logging in to this website
  • The Facebook group for our members

Hints & tips for home learning

Posted on: January 8th, 2021 by David Finch

This article published by @BBCNews contains information on home schooling, useful websites and practical tips on structuring your day which some parents may find useful:

Get to know your Instructors

Posted on: January 7th, 2021 by MFKent

Every Friday one of the Instructing team will be taking over the MF Kent Instagram account to answer any questions you may have.

You may wish to ask them about their own training, what got them started, any high / low points or just what is their favourite food? It is up to you!

We are starting this Friday (8th Jan) with Mr Levermore!

If you are not on Instagram do follow: @matt_fiddes_kent

Tag-testing starts this week

Posted on: March 3rd, 2020 by David Finch

We will start tag-testing this week for the upcoming grading day on Sunday, 29th March.

As always, if we feel a student is ready to move up to the next level we will add a black tag to their belt and issue a grading letter.  Please do not worry if your son / daughter does not receive a tag.  We have plenty of time for you to practice at home or they may just need a little extra time.

Here are the details of the grading day:

  • Sunday, 29th March 2020
  • Canterbury Primary School, Canterbury
  • Mighty Matts – 9:30am (start)
  • Juniors & Adults – 10:15am (start)
  • Panel Grading – 12:00 – 3:00pm (for red-stripe – deputy black students only)

South-East Championships – 26th April 2020

Posted on: January 6th, 2020 by David Finch

South-East Championships – Burgess Hill

26th April 2020

On-line registration is now open for the 2020 South-East Championships to be held in Burgess Hill.  To register simply click here.

15% DISCOUNT if you register in January!

As well as all the usual exciting categories there are one or two small changes:

  • There is no wave-master category for Mighty Matts
  • Instead there is a 5 x Kick combo category
  • There are hand-drill categories for ALL BELT LEVELS
  • There are more sparring categories

Watch out for training dates and in the meantime be sure to enter in January to receive your 15% discount!

NEW MF Kent Shop - click here


Summer Martial Arts Camp. More »

First Aid Course for students and families. More »

A Night at the Races - 16th March. More »

NEW Interclub Tournament - 7th April 2024. More »

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